Lions Club International Foundation to Support Suwa Arana
June 6, 2022
Lions District 306B2 mobilises LKR 53 Million from Lions Club International Foundation to support Suwa Arana – Sri Lanka’s first Paediatric Palliative Care Centre for Children with cancer.
In Sri Lanka around 750 children are newly diagnosed with cancer every year. Almost all of these children are treated at the paediatric department of the Apeksha Hospital, Maharagama. The children receiving treatment at Apeksha Hospital mostly have blood, brain, bone or liver cancers. Kidney and eye cancers are also seen.
Suwa Arana – A Place For Healing, initiated by Indira Cancer Trust and Sri Lanka Medical Association North America – Western Region (a MAJOR donor for this project) will serve as the first centre for paediatric palliative care in Sri Lanka for children with cancer as well as providing accommodation for children with cancer and their families. Suwa Arana will provide individualised blending of care directed at underlying illness and physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of a child and family with continued re-evaluation and adjustment. The facility has 6 floors, 4 of which will have 32 en-suite family rooms with all facilities including board and lodging which will be free of charge.
Lions district 306B2 headed by Disrtict Governor Lion Indhra Kaushal, have always had a very close relationship with Indira Cancer Trust not only for paediatric cancer but for several cancer projects and the support for Suwa Arana – Sri Lanka’s first paediatric palliative care centre was initiated approximately 2 years ago. Lions club 306B2 submitted a proposal to the Lions Club International Foundation for their priority area of paediatric cancers and was successful in securing a grant of LKR 53 million, the largest grant yet received in the history of Lions district 306B2.
The work on Suwa Arana commenced on the Children’s Cancer Day falling on 15th February 2021 and was due to complete by 15 February 2023 – but with the current crisis and difficulties there is a 6month delay and we hope to open our doors to children with cancer and their families by August 2023. The total cost of this facility is LKR 425million and approximately 3/4 of the required amount has been mobilised. Fundraising still continues and further information may be obtained by contacting our helpline on 0112 363211.
Chitrika De Mel
Media Coordinator
Indira Cancer Trust
+112 363211
+77 3062580