The By Your Side

Thank you to all who organized the event and those who contributed by attending and taking part in the auction. All at Suwa Arana are very grateful for your support.

Sri Lanka’s First Palliative Care Centre for Children

Cancer is rapidly coursing through our communities as every single one of us has or know at least one person who has fallen victim to this dreaded illness.

ICT Stakeholder Forum 2022

So many families fighting against cancer. It becomes a very personal thing…

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity. Why do we need Suwa Arana?

February 2021 to January 2022

Watch the video about the Progress of Suwa Arana from February 2021 to January 2022…

Mascot ‘ELE’ and website launched for Suwa Arana – A place for healing

My second cousin was only seven years old when she was diagnosed with cancer and the manner in which she braved the assault of the deadly disease was ‘supernatural,’ reflected her parents who still miss her twenty five years later. While cancer has claimed countless lives, the fight against it is increasing day by day and Indira Cancer Trust is one of its fiercest advocates promulgating multiple strategies to combat the enemy. Furthermore, I received a message a few weeks back from a bosom friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer, coincidently during the month dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness, yet she overcame the setback through a heady dose of positivity and since it was detected at the early stage it was not fatal.

The National Cancer Control programme of the Ministry of Health, the Sri Lanka College of Oncologists, Sri Lanka Association of Breast Cancer Surgeons, Lions district 306B2, IFSolutions (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka Cancer Society together with Indira Cancer Trust teamed up to signify the end of Paediatric Cancer Month in September and the launch of another very important cancer related month, October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

‘Suwa Arana’ – A Place for Healing, will be the first paediatric palliative care centre in Sri Lanka and is currently under construction and scheduled to open its doors in February 2023 to admit children with cancer and their families. Palliative care is individual blending of care directed at underlying illness and physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of child and family with continued re-evaluation and adjustment. Suwa Arana – will consist of 32 en-suite rooms and will provide individual care to children and their families, with all facilities provided on site that fulfils the criteria for paediatric palliative care.

“ELE” the adorable elephant is the mascot for Suwa Arana and signifies all the facets of paediatric palliative care provided there. All purchases of ELE contributes to the mission of ICT to give children fighting cancer a place to receive holistic care. The launch of the website for Suwa Arana also signifies another opportunity in providing information on this project of key significance to Sri Lanka.

The launch of Breast Cancer Awareness Month is again a significant month to commemorate as the primary cancer to effect women, this is easily preventable if detected early. The TLC (Touch, Look, Check) campaign which has been ongoing with continued “Pink Wednesday campaign” initiated by cricketing legend, Roshan Mahanama promotes a single message to all women above 20 years to examine themselves on a monthly basis.

Speaking at the event, representing the National Cancer Control Program of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Irosha Nilaweera highlighted the Sri Lankan situation for breast cancer with 2500 to 3000 women being diagnosed with breast cancer every year with a trend of increased prevalence with increasing age and reaching a peak at ages between 45 to 65 years. Paediatric cancers in Sri Lanka are also increasing with a new patient load of 750 diagnosed annually with Leukemia being the highest in number. The need for paediatric palliative care services is highlighted in the Strategic Plan on Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Care 2021-2025 which was launched by the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Thushari Hapuarachchi, Consultant Clinical Oncologist from National Cancer Institute Maharagama and the only specialised trainer for paediatric palliative care in Sri Lanka serving as a master trainer in palliative care and an EPEC trainer in paediatric palliative care, commenting at the event, spoke of the absolute need for Sri Lanka to promote and support the initiatives to strengthen paediatric palliative care in Sri Lanka in line with requirements.  She congratulated Indira Cancer Trust in this effort of setting up the first paediatric palliative care in Sri Lanka which puts Sri Lanka in line with the World Health Organisation global initiative for childhood cancer.

Lion Indhra Kaushal Rajapakshe, District Governor 306B2 for 2021-2022 speaking at the event expressed his happiness in supporting Suwa Arana through setting up a ‘Lions floor’ within the building which will house eight families. The district also plans to have a long term collaboration with Indira Cancer Trust in maintaining this effort. Mr. Gratien Fernando – President Elect of District 306B2 and Mr. Johnny Fernando presented a cheque to Indira Cancer Trust signifying Children’s Day, to support activities conducted for children with cancer.

Launching the website suwaarana.org Mr. Daniel Ortiz, shareholder and Mr. Niraj Appuhamu, CEO of IF Solutions (Pvt) Ltd expressed their commitment to this project as the donor and developer of suwaarana.org. This will create an opportunity for much advocacy so that the world will know about this unique initiative in Sri Lanka.

“ELE” mascot of Suwa Arana is indeed a symbol of inspiration and hope. Ms. Sonali Perera, volunteer management coordinator of Indira Cancer Trust sponsored the total production of the first 200 ELEs and handed over her donation to Indira Cancer Trust and afterwards to all dignitaries at the head table. ELE will be available for sale through suwaarana.org website and all proceeds from the sale of “ELE” will go towards Suwa Arana – A place for healing.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Nissanka Jayawardana, Consultant General Surgeon and Breast Cancer Surgeon (SLBCS), President elect, Sri Lanka Society of Breast Cancer Surgeons highlighted the importance of detecting breast cancer early. He stated that the patients who are seen by them are at late stage of breast cancer requiring extensive surgery and this can be averted by early treatment. National Hospital, Sri Lanka and the Colombo South Hospital have walk in breast clinics which can be accessed by anyone who detects a lump and all necessary investigations are carried out within few days of attending clinics and if necessary, referred for treatment immediately.  SLSBCS was set up solely with the intention of strengthening breast cancer services in Sri Lanka with plans to expand throughout the country.

Mrs. Anoja Karunarathne, President Sri Lanka Cancer Society speaking at the event highlighted the work of the Sri Lanka Cancer Society which promotes advocacy for many cancers but has a special interest in breast cancer.  An MoU was signed with Indira Cancer Trust for a joint programme for advocacy.

Finally, Chairperson and Trustee of Indira Cancer Trust, Dr. Lanka Jayasuriya Dissanayake acknowledged the partner organisations for their commitment to address two types of cancers in Sri Lanka namely paediatric and breast cancer and ensured continuous commitment from Indira Cancer Trust. Since its inception in 2016 it has grown into an organisation conducting over 20 programmes with a volunteer force of over 600, supporting patients with cancer and their families.

Suwa Arana – A Place for Healing will be a unique initiative that will promote the concept of healing in an environment of care, delivered by a team of dedicated professionals.

Dr. Dissanayake also highlighted the importance of self-examination for all women over the age of 20 years. The TLC (Touch Look Check) campaign highlights this need and encourages self-examination every month – seven days after the start of the menstruation. This message is to all women to look after themselves first so that they are in good health to support their families. A special appeal was also made to all males to make sure they look after the ladies in their lives by encouraging TLC.

Further information on any of the above can be obtained through Indira Cancer Trust Helpline 0112-363-211.

We rise by lifting others

The Apeksha Hospital, Maharagama being the premier institute for Cancer treatment in Sri Lanka attracts many patients from all over the country. It is the nodal institute for Cancer in Sri Lanka and has a specialized paediatric oncology unit, although there are established provincial cancer units, the influx of patients remains high at the hospital in Maharagama.

A disturbing aspect noticed is that despite several inputs by the Health Ministry, many families are still unaware or delay to report symptoms of cancer, until the disease has advanced to a stage when treatment becomes complicated. In this respect, the most vulnerable victims are children, for whom any delay in treatment could lead to fatal results due to the low immune systems in their still maturing bodies.

Suwa Arana – A Place for Healing, is Indira Cancer Trust’s latest and most ambitious project to date. The construction of the building is in progress and on schedule. When complete it will be the first paediatric palliative care centre in Sri Lanka as well as paediatric housing for sick children and their families.

The World Health Organisation definition of palliative care for children is the active total care of the child’s body, mind and spirit, and also involves giving support to the family. It begins when illness is diagnosed, and continues regardless of whether or not a child receives treatment directed at the disease.

Many families travel far from home and spend several weeks or months to get treatment for their sick children – a long time to be away or to divide a family. Children facing a serious medical crisis, nothing seems scarier than not having their parents close by for love and support. We aim to provide a place for families to call home so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at no cost.

This concept is built on the idea that nothing else should matter when a family is focused on the health of their child – not where they can afford to stay, where they will get their next meal or where they will lay their head at night to rest. We believe that when a child is hospitalized the love and support of family is as powerful as the strongest medicine prescribed.

At Suwa Arana, families can enjoy: – home-cooked meals – private bedrooms – playrooms for children – special rooms for children with suppressed immune systems – accredited education programs – recreational activities – non-clinical support services – sibling support services, laundry facilities, seating area with television and quiet room and a root top garden where art and music therapy, yoga, meditation sessions will take place or just relax at tree top level.

Sri Lanka’s first paediatric palliative care centre

The incidence of cancer is on the rise and the world has come to a stage where each and every person, at some point of time in their lives, has been touched by someone close to us – a relative, friend, or a colleague – who had suffered the effects of cancer. The Indira Cancer Trust hopes to see the world eradicated of such discrepancies.

In order to achieve their goal of a cancer-free world, and ease the suffering of patients, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed recently between Archio Design and Build and the Indira Cancer Trust to officially commence the work of “Suwa Arana – A Place For Healing”, a paediatric housing initiative and South Asia’s first paediatric palliative care centre.

Speaking to Brunch, Indira Cancer Trust Chairperson/Trustee Dr. Lanka Jayasuriya-Dissanayake, commenting on the importance of such a machine, said: “What makes Suwa Arana unique is its commitment to the families of children struck with cancer by providing them with lodging, food, and mental and emotional support that aims to help through this unbelievably challenging time.”

Both Archio Design and Build and the Indira Cancer Trust strongly believe that the strength of unity will make an immense contribution towards reducing the incidence of cancer in the country.

She also added that the Sri Lanka Medical Association of North America (SLMANA) – Western Region supported this cause by donating Rs. 155 million to initiate this project. The total cost of the project is Rs. 425 million and the remaining funds must be raised within a year to open the doors of Suwa Arana to children and their families by 2023. Both organisations are excited about this partnership and confident that together a significant impact for cancer in Sri Lanka can be made. Archio Design and Build will be the first to launch Sri Lanka’s first paediatric palliative care centre, Suwa Arana.

In addition to palliative care, Suwa Arana also offers housing for families that travel from all over the island to find treatment for their cancer-stricken children at the Apeksha Hospital, Maharagama. The centre is located within walking distance from Apeksha Hospital and will provide room and board for the child and the family while treatment is in progress, which can take weeks or months, without the added burden of incurring the cost of accommodation and food.

Dr. Jayasuriya-Dissanayake explained that Suwa Arana will be a care centre for paediatric cancer patients and their families unlike any other facility in Sri Lanka. “This will be a centre for special end-of-life care for children, where the whole family can be together during this exceedingly difficult time. They are able to receive appropriate medical, nursing, emotional, and spiritual care that extends to provide a range of therapies including counselling, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, art and music therapy, and bereavement support that aims to comfort families during these trying times.”

Suwa Arana also aims to adopt a food kitchen philosophy of “home cooking” to encourage a feeling of having home comforts, and will include dietary variations. Dr. Jayasuriya-Dissanayake added that there will also be a play area for children and their families to enjoy their time together.

Speaking to us on the facilities the centre is to offer, she stated that the six-floor building will have a reception, dining room with patio, laundrette, and storage facilities. Going into further detail, she added: “Each floor allocated to patient care will have eight family ensuite rooms, each with two beds, a sofa bed, and access to a balcony. Some rooms have ‘moving walls’ in case larger families need to be accommodated. There will also be a single floor dedicated to all the operations of Indira Cancer Trust so that walk-in patients, both adult and paediatric, can also be supported through the many other services offered by the Indira Cancer Trust.”

The centre will also feature a rooftop garden where families can relax at a treetop level.

Commenting further on why such a project exists, Dr. Jayasuriya-Dissanayake stated that this is a necessary and brave initiative that they are proud to champion, and they sincerely hope that the public will support them in spreading this message so that it might reach the generous hearts of those who wish to work with them to make this a reality.